Foreign languages
Foreign languages
Automatic Translation
Service of Our Website
Method: 利用方法
Please select the language.
When using translations other than the above four languages:上記4言語以外の翻訳をご利用の場合
Translations into languages other than those listed above are also available.
First, after selecting one of the above four languages, "○○ (language name)" in "Japanese - automatic detection → ○○ (language name)" displayed at the top of the page as shown below Click to display the languages that can be selected.
まず一度、上記4言語いずれかをご選択いただいた後、ページ上部に表示される下図のような箇所の「日本語 - 自動検出 → ○○(言語名)」の「○○(言語名)」をクリックすると、選択できる言語が表示されますので、その中よりお選びください。
For those who will visit the hospital:受診される方へ
We verify personal identification when a patient visits the hospital.
当院では、受診時にご本人の確認をさせていただきます。 -
We verify personal identification when a patient visits the hospital.
Please bring your insurance card and residence card with you.
Please note that: 注意事項
The Automatic Translation System do not always provide an accurate translation. When any difference in interpretation arises because of nuanced difference in related languages of systems, the Japanese website shall be given priority.
自動翻訳システムは、常に正確な翻訳情報を提供するとは限りません。翻訳された言語の内容に疑義が生じた場合、日本語のウェブサイトを優先します。 -
There are some pages which may not be translated by the Automatic Translation System, such as pages programmed by a different programming system, pages protected by encryption, or by any other reasons.